Saturday, February 9, 2008

Other people's feelings.

Living in Vancouver, BC, I came to know a man by the name of Ian Whitehouse. Ian is a great dude, he's a little shy and slow to come out of his shell, but once you get to know him, you will find he is a wonderfully genuine person with a large amount of charm. It is because of this I would not miss his birthday party for anything. Unfortunately, this story is not about Ian directly, but moreso about another gentleman at his party, and myself putting my foot in my mouth.

The party was at a bar called Wings, and one of the people who joined us was a man whose name we shall say is Phil. Phil was an interesting fellow
, affable and whatnot. I had met him a few times before, and I came to find out that he was the grandson of a legendary jazz musician who shall remain nameless here. Something I noticed right off the bat about this gentleman was that he oft wore very flashy jewelry, in particular, a gigantic cross, made of either platinum or silver. Here is the part where my foot ended up in my mouth. With us that evening was Brett(a different Brett, duh). He was a fan of jazz music and the like, and I felt the need to inform Brett of Phils lineage. Brett was impressed to say the least. Phil had on more than one occasion mentioned that he was the current owner of the name and likeness rights of his deceased grandfather. Thinking Phil had left the table for the rest room, I decided to inform Brett of this. "Oh, yeah, dude is loaded. Didn't you notice his BLING!?" It was then I realized two things; I was speaking loudly because the music in the place was loud, and that Brett had a look on his face that said to me something along the lines of "Oh my god, you asshole". I turned and sure enough, there was Phil, right at the table. I'm not sure if he heard me, but I'm pretty sure he heard me. Sure enough to where I felt like leaving the party was a good idea. I felt pretty bad. He was a nice enough guy, and I had probably insulted him just a tiny bit, if not alot. If you ever read this, famous musicians grandson, I'm sorry I said those careless things, and I'm sorry I didn't have the balls to say that to you in person. And if you didn't hear me that night, this is entirely a work of fiction anyway, so don't even worry about it.

Also: nice cross.

Playlist: Paper Airplanes, Braid, Otis Redding

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